KarenS Hutchins


Available Titles


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Truth About Angels

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Truth About Angels

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$ 10.50 USD

Does God Really Still Speak?

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Does God Really Still Speak?

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No Strings Attached

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No Strings Attached

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Breakfast With The King

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Breakfast With The King

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Protective Custody

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Protective Custody

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$ 10.50 USD

Dr. Karen S. Hutchins

As a child, Karen Hutchins was frequently found curled up in a chair in a quiet corner with her journal. Her writing was the perfect outlet for this shy child’s dreams and thoughts. After giving her life to Jesus before her 9th birthday at church camp in Troy, Missouri, her writings became more like letters to her New Love – Jesus. Although Karen was born and raised in Illinois, she considers herself a transplanted Texan, having lived there for over 21 years, after serving her country in the United States Marine Corps during the Vietnam War. Her son, Jason Breshears and his wife Jen live outside of Houston. They have two daughters, Hannah and Hayley, Hayley’s husband Matthew and their daughter.

Throughout the years, life changes and relocations have affected her writing only minimally. As an adult, Karen “drifted” from her relationship with Jesus. Her daily journaling, which she fondly refers to as “Breakfast With the King” has been instrumental in bringing her back to her core religious beliefs after her divorce. Karen is a tender spirit who has endured tremendous wounds in her life. Her first book, “Protective Custody: Miracles Can Happen When God Has You Right Where He Wants You,” was inspired by the journal entries he wrote during an extremely difficult 5-year period. Her other nonfiction books include No Strings Attached, The Truth About Angels and Does God Really Still Speak. Her current endeavor is a 5-book fiction series, called The Momopoly Series, the first book of which, Longing for Home launches June 2024.

Karen and Wayne (Hutch) Hutchins married on Valentine’s Day, 2003, and lived in Washington State for eight years, then moved to Lisbon North Dakota. Karen retired in 2016 from the professional world after holding a variety of management positions. In First Baptist Church of Lisbon and Forman Community Church, Karen led worship, taught Bible Studies, led Children’s Church and women’s activities, and assisted her husband with administrative duties. She was on staff at the Ransom County Gazette, managing the From the Pulpit column and was a contributing writer. Karen has a master’s degree in Theology and a doctorate in Christian Counseling and was ordained before her retirement.

In 2023, Hutch and Karen retired from pastoring, and moved to the beautiful Ozarks, where they are building their ‘barn=do-cabin and Karen pursues her writing full time. She loves to travel, speaking at Women’s events and conferences, sharing God’s messages, such as Hope for The and Now, Hearing God’s Voice and Be Still and Know. Karen airs a weekly broadcast on her Facebook page called MONDAY NIGHT LIVE, in which she has covered series topics such as Fear Not, How We Got the Bible, and Women of the Bible. Karen and Hutch are both members of Legion Riders, and Christian Motorcyclists Association, where they led music as the “Worship Warriors” for several years in the Pacific Northwest.

Karen is an animal lover, presently having one small dog, named Abi, and a palomino named Amigo, and a barn cat named Alice. It has been said that Karen knows how to turn lemons into lemonade and tests into testimonies. Her heart's desire is to help God’s children to heal, no matter their ages. These days, her perfect day starts with “Breakfast with the King” soaking up like a sponge all she can from God’s Word. You will find her with Abi on her lap, still writing her love letters to God, but on her laptop, listening for God’s instructions to turn those letters into more encouraging lessons to share!